Friday, August 11, 2006

Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) in Instructional Design

Implications for Instructional design

Currently, I am researching Reusable Learning objects for my article. Looking at the faculty training experience and my internship, I have found that they are being used everywhere but at different levels of training. Following is a very general explanation and definition of RLOs.

Reusable learning objects (RLOs) are context independent, transportable and reusable pieces of instruction that are digitally managed and delivered. As such, they provide untold opportunities for easy access to tailored learning and are slowly being implemented in some larger corporations. Hodgins (2000)states that learning objects:

"represent a completely new conceptual model for the mass of content used in the context of learning. They are destined to forever change the shape and form of learning, and in so doing, it is anticipated that they will also usher in an unprecedented efficiency of learning content design, development, and delivery."

I have added all the references with a new post on LOs. The instructional objects are mostly called LOs or RLOs in computer science and business and the choice of a term refers to the way they are used in different instructional contexts.

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